Globaland Ltd.

South Africa, Western Cape – 2018

See how we got started

Globaland started at the beginning of 2018,
Zohar saw specific conditions in South African agriculture. The farms are well developed, and the region has good weather and geographical conditions in the growing season. In addition, there is good access to transportation with regards to ports, roads, and rail. 

We provide to South African farmers the specific knowledge in growing the particular type of cucurbits we work with. We Bring all the chain of export procces and the connections with the international market, To empower South Africa in becoming a world-class exporter in this sector.

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Founder & CEO’s Mission 

The aim is to build strong relationships and collaborations between local farmers in the country. To create and develop local workplaces and extend the knowledge on matching the suitable crops for the right areas and finally, find the correct market for the product.

Globaland advises on different kinds of seeds, supply, agriculture inputs, irrigation programs, fertilizer, pesticides, and agriculture mulch.
The only way to create new successful agriculture projects is to combine suitable agriculture, farmers, and deals.

Farmers love cooperating because it brings inspiration and joy to what they produce.

עיצוב ללא שם-5

Zohar's Background

2018 -Present

Founded Globaland Ltd. Developing Export agriculture projects in South Africa, Export to Europe, Asia and Middle East market.


Developed a new agriculture project in Ethiopia .


Sold watermelon seeds, with technical assistance and marketing, to growers in Central America


Founded a Panamanian (Pan-El Export) company that produces and exports watermelons and melons to the USA and Europe


Zohar moved to Central America and started working on an agriculture project. He Managed the Growing, Marketing and pruduction in a agriculture company in Guatemala and Panama.


At 24 years old, he started managing farms and agriculture projects in crops and marketing agriculture products. This added to the knowledge of vegetables, fruits, and other crops.


Zohar worked in agriculture on different farms, Learned about irrigation, elk, plant protection, and agriculture implements.

Expertice In

Farm Managing
Irrigation, Machinery, Fetilization, Soil and plant protection
Packing Processing
Export And Logistic transportation